The minimum number of days for short-term rental properties on Oahu had been 30 days for a very long time. In 2022, the City of Honolulu passed Bill 41, a law that changed the minimum to 90 days. They were sued and recently lost. Watch past episodes of Ask Doug! for more information about Bill 41. Here is the original video explaining Bill 41. This video provides an update when the minimum stay was first changed. Here is a video explaining what Bill 41 means for Waikiki condotels.
The outcome of the lawsuit means that the current minimum to back to 30 days. There are certain areas that allow for daily or weekly rentals. In our past blog here, you can find a list of which buildings in Waikiki are in which zones and whether short-term rentals will be allowed there.
What’s next? The city is going to try a different method to require a 90-day minimum and it is likely that they will be successful. There is currently a bill going through the state senate that would allow counties to phase out short-term vacation rentals over time. If successful, this would undermine the District Court’s ruling that allows the continuation of the 30-day rental minimum. The proposed law makes zoning changes and disallows short-term rentals in certain zones.
Contact us to learn more about how your rental portfolio may be affected by this change. We would also be happy to answer any other property management or real estate sales questions you have. You can reach Doug directly at (808) 596-4883 or email concierge@caronb.com