A new law, Act 310, was recently enacted in the state of Hawaii. It is about source of income protections for renters. This means that you may not discriminate against potential tenants based on where their income comes from; specifically, you cannot discriminate against potential tenants who participate in housing assistance programs. These include Permanent Supportive Housing, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, or any city or local programs that help tenants pay all, some or most of their rent. This law is intended to afford tenants who participate in housing assistance with the same protections as other classes under state and federal Fair Housing laws.
Some landlords previously chose not to rent to these groups but as of May 2023, this is illegal in Hawaii. Landlords cannot refuse to rent to an individual because they participate in housing assistance programs. It will be considered a discriminatory practice to advertise that you will not rent to someone participating in a housing assistance program.
For example, you cannot put “No Section 8” in your marketing or advertising. Landlords and property managers also cannot discourage someone from renting a property or create different or additional conditions to rent because of participation in program. Violations could result in a first time fine of up to $2,000 and up to $2500 for subsequent violations.
There are exemptions to this law. It does not apply to landlords who are renting up to four units in their own home or landlords who rent out fewer than four dwelling units.
If you’re managing your own rental property, it’s essential that you stay on top of current housing laws and strictly adhere to the landlord-tenant code. When you let Caron B Realty International manage your rental portfolio, you’re relieved of the stress of keeping up with legal changes, attending to maintenance, and all challenges of being a landlord.
Contact us to learn more about our concierge rental management services and the benefits of Caron B Realty managing your rental properties. You can reach Doug directly at (808) 596-4883 or email concierge@caronb.com